The scene picks the sea and the mountainsAs far away as the mountain, although reading the picturesque world, over the west look, to return to it。细细想,髯翁一生经历种种,便是简单的细节,都需用加倍的注脚。 Lifelong vicissitudes turned into a scroll of memories, being too far away from homeland, the only thing he could do was gazing across the sea, and asking “when could I go back home?” Thinking carefully, it’s worth fully interpreting all the experiences of Yu Youren, even the simplest details.
Yu Youren (1879-1964) "Bright moon Breeze" in cursive script Ink on paper vertical axis YU YOUREN CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT Handing scroll; ink on paper 66×33.5 cm 展览:“于右任逝世50周年纪念回顾展”,日本东京艺术剧场展览,2014年4月。 出版:1.《电子pg游戏官网》,第107页,株式会社萱原书房,2014年版。 2.《线上电子游戏官网》,第144页,文物出版社,2018年版。
Last day of 2013。South alone。 It is late afternoon, busy one day, finally get leisure。饭后闲闲无事,不想枯坐,也不愿意自己一个人去挤那趟跨年的热闹。Remember a quiet coffee shop nearby, decided where to sit。店挺近,也挺静,声音不大放着歌,点好东西,坐着翻手机、看窗外,发呆打愣,挺不错。夜渐深,起身准备走,店里换了曲目,低沉沙哑的声音唱的是“想说却还没说的,还很多,攒着是因为想写成歌,让人轻轻地唱着,淡淡地记着,就算终于忘了,也值了”。The husky voice is Zongsheng Li, very familiar, the song is the first time to listen to, good。I asked the bartender the name of the song at the checkout, and it was called "The Hill."。 I liked "The Hill" the first time I heard it, simply because it sounded good。The playlist on my phone changes around, and there's always this one。听的多了,听懂的也多些,懂了李宗盛10年的创作看透的人生,懂了他沙哑的嗓音低吟的感悟。于是,总想就着《电子pg游戏官网》写点我熟悉的东西:写写看过的字画,写写写字画画的人,写写因变而可爱、可敬、可歌、可叹的这一百年。《电子pg游戏官网》写了一个人的颠簸与遗憾,写了一个人的成功与失败,写了一个人的看淡与不甘,写了一个人太多未完成的心愿与夙志。In the past 100 years, there were many such people, but there were differences of one kind or another。Who are you writing about??
Yu Youren (1879-1964) A book with nine words 1958年作 Ink couplet on paper YU YOUREN CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT Pair of Hanging scrolls; ink on paper 92.5×14 cm×2 出版:《线上电子游戏官网》,第58页,文物出版社,2018年版。
Spring ushered in a familiar generation of scholars,Think to the bearded man: he labored all his life for peace,暮年却与亲朋海峡相隔;他为革命元老见证八年的苦尽甘来,But unable to stop four years of carnage;He went to the island to seek power,But all I can do is look at my land.,The native land is not willing to return to the mountain;He has so many dreams,But it was sorrowful。 Yu Youren is the person in the song, but the song is difficult to write his life。他是革命元勋、军旅首长、教育舵手、新闻先锋、诗坛祭酒、书法巨擘。He aims high,Once said, "Peace is blood on the neck,Love freedom as a wife ";He ran a newspaper to excite the people,Conduct education to cultivate talents;He followed Sun Yat-sen in the revolution,Plead for the lives of the living,Peace for all;He dismissed the Lord's peace,Mediating the great cause of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party;He studied calligraphy all his life,Break the mold and original in the body cursive,Be respected as the modern sage of grass;He was clean all his life,The box contained only debt documents in black and white。翻翻看看,往前这一百年里,可能很难能找出像于右任这样几乎没有污点而被海峡两岸共敬的人。 余事不说,只说髯翁书法,见其书如晤其人,气势豪迈,泱泱大度,具盖世英雄气。其书历经帖与碑的锤炼而碑帖融合,又经诸草体的博取与简化,百流归海,温融己身。In modern times, good writers, both public and private, have more hidden。再来值得一提,在中国线上电子游戏官网经手的专场中,一人成一场且两次拿下白手套成绩的专场,只有《电子pg游戏官网》两例。 己亥春日,幸得藏家赐宝,138件髯翁书法将再次集结为《电子pg游戏官网》专场亮相春拍。138件书作囊括于右任自1917至1964年过世前各期书体,集大陆时期的魏碑、行、草书而至来台后的标准草书成熟期书作,风格序列完整,对联、条幅、条屏、横幅、册页形式多元丰富。尤以早期北碑楷体风格、纪年款作品为特色,悉数公私所藏,唯一者亦有数数,又多有出版著录可资比对,来源明晰,殊为难得可贵。而细察受书人,如曹锟、熊希龄、钱君匋,李崇实、方伯薰、于志贤、贝润生、张静江等,不乏彼时各界闻员要人,凝望百年,交织人、事过往。
Yu Youren (1879-1964) Li Mengyang poetry two 1930年作 Ink paper mirror heart YU YOUREN CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT Mounted for framing; ink on paper 121×32.8 cm 出版:1.《线上电子游戏官网》,第7页,湖南美术出版社,1984年版。 2.《线上电子游戏官网》,总第六期,第49页,中国书法家协会广东分会出版。 3.《电子pg游戏官网》,第9页,九洲图书出版社,1999年版。 4.《线上电子游戏官网》第290页,武汉出版社,2003年版。 5.《电子pg游戏官网》,第403页,中华粥会,2005年版。 6.《线上电子游戏官网》,第21页,河南美术出版社,2008年版。 7.《线上电子游戏官网》,第21页,上海辞书出版社,2010年版。 8.《线上电子游戏官网》,第228页,世界图书出版西安有限公司,2012年版。 9.《电子pg游戏官网》,第25页,河南美术出版社,2013年版。 10.《电子pg游戏官网》,第55页,文物出版社,2014年版。 11.《线上电子游戏官网》,第229页,世界图书出版西安有限公司,2014年版。 12.《电子pg游戏官网》,第92页,文物出版社,2018年版。
Beard weng in the early years of the study of books has always been rare, down a clear chronology is more rare。其十一岁始习书,由帖学入手,初习王羲之、赵孟頫,后有褚遂良等诸家,而赵书之速、畅、秀、逸对其影响甚大。本场髯翁行书四屏《电子pg游戏官网》(拍品460)作于1917年2月,录姜埰《电子pg游戏官网》中词一阙,所书内容仅见于此,更是目前市场流通所见髯翁最早纪年作品。本幅四条屏,用笔放逸劲挺,结体纵势开张,通篇风格豪放,磊落跌宕,具黄庭坚体势风格,且品相完好,是极难得的早期书作。除此最早纪年书作外1918年作"A Cut of the Works of Mei Homesick"(拍品373),结体纵势,笔意纵恣,超逸豪迈,深具个性,主体仍为帖学面目。两件早年书作,展现髯翁早期帖学书法,吸纳诸家所长,兼容并蓄,再造己意的阶段轨迹。 于右任在1918年8月出任陕西靖国军总司令,统兵之余,髯翁为保护陕地碑志国宝,也出于对碑志的热爱,开始大规模搜集和购买碑石墓志。At this stage, the book also gradually from the post and the tablet, the tablet body regular script, running script gradually mature。1923年作《电子pg游戏官网》、1924年作《电子pg游戏官网》,The knot is low on the left and high on the right,Synclinal inversion,The north tablet features prominently,The stroke is square folded,The long strokes across and down are stiff and straight,Qi is full of spirit,风格近于以往所知的《电子pg游戏官网》、《线上电子游戏官网》、《电子pg游戏官网》等拓本。而难得的是,本场这二件作品皆为珍贵的墨迹本,为研究髯翁碑学早期阶段提供了重要的学术资料。
Yu Youren (1879-1964) Li Mengyang poetry two Ink paper mirror heart YU YOUREN CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT Mounted for framing; ink on paper 126×32.5 cm 出版:1.《电子pg游戏官网》,第61页,文物出版社,2014年版。 2.《线上电子游戏官网》,第97页,文物出版社,2018年版。
于右任所藏众多碑志中,对北魏时期七对元氏家族夫妻的墓志最为珍爱,并在1929年以此为名,在沪寓亲书斋号“鸳鸯七志斋”,此阶段亦是其学习北碑墓志与建立自我面貌的重要时期。本场髯翁于1930年作《线上电子游戏官网》一幅(拍品379),落款“十九年一月,于右任录李同空诗二首于鸳鸯七志斋”。落款“鸳鸯七志斋”并纪明年款的书作已是鲜少,且本幅受书人为四川美丰银行创办人康心如之子康嗣群夫妇,书配鸳鸯,洵为相得益彰之美事。The style of epitaph as a northern Wei Dynasty inscription,Italics into Lixing pen,The knot is wide and loose,Natural pumao,Vigorous and graceful,The font size and stroke weight vary,Stippling lines do not pursue knife carving interest,And has a profound sense of simplicity,Combine style, style and creation time,It concretely proves the practice period of epigraphy,It is an important and valuable bibliographic record。整体言,1920年代后于右任的行楷书融入魏碑风格,并加以熔铸贯通,约略在1929年后面目确立,尤以对联形式,最能充分展现其博大雄浑、古朴天然的美学特征。The biggest match of the game,Five Words Couplet on a Red Background with gold script (Lot 430),"Progress is good for the world,Be known for all ages.",Written around the age of 50,Script with stele,Stippling is rich in stone,The knot is wide open,As the beard says, "Never stops writing,Do not write in style,Pure nature。” Yu Youren in cursive research, dedicated to the deepest, outstanding achievements。在1940年代末、1950年初,其草书格体基本成熟,风格开始确立。In this period, with the "Taiping old man" Zhu Wen printing is the most important。此方杨千里刻印,肇因于右任1943年发表之《电子pg游戏官网》一文,其考证地理翔实,正气凛然,自号“太平老人”,寓含着济世淑人的胸怀。据髯翁秘书刘延涛说:“在抗战末期及胜利初期,先生所书字幅多钤此印,未几,政府播迁,此印亦尘封矣。”此时期正值于右任书法创作重要转折时期,用印时间不足三年,钤有此印者,益显稀少珍贵。1948年,于右任参与竞选国民党要职时,两袖清风的他,以钤“太平老人”印的“为万世开太平”书法条幅表述思想。此句取自张载:“为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平”末句,亦是于右任一生坚守的理想信念。本场《电子pg游戏官网》“为万世开太平”并钤“太平老人”印,是为“太平成双”墨宝,具深刻代表性意义。另一件钤有“太平老人”印者,为1950年作《线上电子游戏官网》,联语为“璞玉浑金是寿者相,琼花瑶草得气之先”,笔笔使转顿挫莫不合乎法度,点画间随处可见深厚功底,结体纵挺稳健,为于右任草书中的精品,颇耐玩味。
Yu Youren (1879-1964) "A Cut of the Works of Mei Homesick" 1918年作 Ink paper mirror heart YU YOUREN CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT Mounted for framing; ink on paper 121×32.8 cm 出版:1.《电子pg游戏官网》,第15页,文物出版社,2014年版。 2.《线上电子游戏官网》,第84页,文物出版社,2018年版。
如前所述,本场中大多书作具有受书之人,细考一二,髯翁亲人、密友、同僚、近属具在其间,其中往事故闻颇堪探究。长年随侍于右任的最后一任副官方伯薫,在髯翁挥毫时帮忙磨墨与折叠纸张,生活互动关系密切。This book to Fang's "running book five words" "sage heart sun and moon,The benevolence of the mountains and rivers ", "cursive seven words" "White stone Qingquan from the good,And the wind, rain and people with "two couplets,是髯翁Pure nature的草书经典风格;题嘱“伯薫存之”的《电子pg游戏官网》抄录1956年《电子pg游戏官网》、1959年《电子pg游戏官网》二首自作诗,Verse from Keelung Peace Island old saying "Fuzhou chicken crow.,The chicken coop has come to listen,Take local proverbs and put them into poetry,Revealing his contacts with the Keelung literary scene。此作以中锋浑朴之笔,沉厚圆融,功底深厚,然出入无迹,变化随心,为于右任1960年代标准草书时期精品。于右任写赠侄女于志贤的《线上电子游戏官网》作于1946年,乃抄录1945年闻日本乞降自作诗十首之四,表达了髯翁对抗战胜利的欢欣,“中华民族争相贺,王道干城是我”,笔力畅达,快意自然。作于1958年元旦之日,同样赠与于志贤的《电子pg游戏官网》(拍品688),线条厚重圆润,书写自然质朴,气度温婉端正,其联语“天下断无易处之境遇,人间哪有空闲的光阴”,言辞恳达,深具期勉之意。
Yu Youren (1879-1964) Calligraphy "Shuangjing Courtyard before Xiao Li" Ink on paper vertical axis YU YOUREN CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT Hanging scroll; ink on paper 136.6×43.5 cm 出版:《线上电子游戏官网》,第103页,文物出版社,2018年版。
"Bochun" above several pieces are also considerable。李崇实(1894-1985),字伯纯,陕西蓝田人,髯翁乡贤。抗战胜利后历任监察院秘书长、财政经济审查委员会委员等要职。1948年当选为国民大会代表,为第一届国民大会主席团主席,继任监察院秘书长。He went to Taiwan in 1949。《电子pg游戏官网》册,7开12页,录于右任追忆靖国军时诸事,凄然成咏共十首,应为1940至1950年代标准草书前期作品,纵势结体,偶掺入方笔、折笔,线条讲求轻重虚实变化。Into the 1960s,Yu Youren's cursive writing is perfectly polished,"Cursive seven words couplet" "100 full career success day,Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains to rebuild time",Gold on a red ground,Made for the 60th birthday of Li Chongshi,Let nature take its course,The pen is alive,The thread quality is rounded,The strokes are pressed to form rich layers of ink marks。 In recent years, the horizontal plaque calligraphy, which is quite concerned by the market, is also prepared in this field。因书体结构及笔画特性,匾额书法以篆、隶、楷、行为书史主流,而草书难以写为大字榜书,作为匾额格局多显得狭小,因此历代草匾既已不多,出色杰作更是凤毛麟角。有论者曾说:“(这种情况)一直要到于右任才成功地突破这千百年来的尺寸藩篱,带领草书至雄强磅礴的书写方向,这可说是书法史上第一人。”本场中所见《电子pg游戏官网》、《线上电子游戏官网》、《电子pg游戏官网》(拍品459),雄浑厚重中带有遒劲力道,气象磅礴,正为草匾佳构。再进一步言,解决千古以来的书法大小字的形势难题,从来就不是容易之事,苏东坡论书曰:“大字难于结密而无间,小字难于宽绰而有余,若能大字结密,小字宽绰,则尽善尽美矣。”于右任书法自然生姿态,且无论大小字各体皆精神贯通,气度雄浑,也正是苏东坡所言之“尽善尽美”。
Yu Youren (1879-1964) Cursive "Righteous Song" four screen Ink paper mirror heart YU YOUREN CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT Mounted for framing; ink on paper 132×33 cm×4 出版:1.《线上电子游戏官网》,第42-43页,湖南美术出版社,1984年。 2.《线上电子游戏官网》,第40-41页,福建美术出版社,1984年。 3.《线上电子游戏官网》,第44-45页,九洲图书出版社,1999年。 4.《电子pg游戏官网》,第10-11页,西泠印社出版社,2016年。 5.《电子pg游戏官网》,第184-185页,文物出版社,2018年。 Yu Youren (1879-1964) "Offering sacrifices as if they were present" Ink on paper YU YOUREN CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT Horizontal scroll; ink on paper 31.5×92.5 cm 出版:《线上电子游戏官网》,第207页,文物出版社,2018年版。
一字一划、字里行间,都说见字如晤人,用来说于右任真的再恰如其分不过。毛泽东敬重其人其书,周恩来说他为人正直、有民族气节,林语堂评价他人品、书品为最好的模范。跟着于右任一生的是一部胡须、一笔书法、一身正气、一股信念。As far away as the mountain, although reading the picturesque world, over the west look, to return to it。细细想,髯翁一生经历种种,便是简单的细节,都需用加倍的注脚。 Therefore, the hill is too small to write true in Youren。Use the sea with the mountain, the most appropriate。
Yu Youren (1879-1964) Write in five words Ink sprinkling gold paper couplet YU YOUREN CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT Pair of Hanging scrolls; ink on gold-flecked paper 204×44 cm×2 出版:《线上电子游戏官网》,第7页,文物出版社,2018年版。 Yu Youren (1879-1964) Write in five words Ink couplet on paper YU YOUREN CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT Pair of Hanging scrolls; ink on gold-flecked paper 145.2×40 cm×2 出版:《线上电子游戏官网》,第24页,文物出版社,2018年版。 |